
FAQ (Frequently asked questions)



Connection problems




What may I do, if my question is not mentioned here?

There are several additional sources of information available:

There is a tutorial about the use of our Services.
The full services-documentation may be read as HTML-documents or using the commands
/chanserv help
/nickserv help
/memoserv help

Of course you are welcome to the support-channels #help or #euirc


How can I contribute?

Everybody can contribute and we appreciate every kind of help. The most easy way to contribute is to help other users when they have problems. For example in #euirc or in our forum.

Furthermore we are pleased to hear about every error or malfunction of the IRCd, the services or the website.
We do consider ideas & suggestions from users.
Just come to #help and someone will take care of you.

From time to time we are looking for users for our helpop team. It will be announced in the news and on the mailinglist when we are looking for people.

We also give new servers a chance. You can read more about that here.



How a SSL connection to euIRCnet can be established?

For SSL connections use the following ports:


Click here for further information


Connection problems

Why am I killed with the reason "Session limit exceeded" and what may I do to prevent this?

For security reasons there has been established a limit, which allows only 3 connections from an IP at the time. Any additional connection will be terminated by a kill and in case additional connections try to repeat several times, there will be set a ban on that IP. This one effects all connections including the first three.

At first you should take care to use only those 3 connections allowed. If you definetly need further connections you may ask for a session limit exception by using our form sessionlimit.php including information about the IP, a reason why you need additional connections and the number of connections you'd like to use. Please understand that it's only possible for static IP adresses.
The Services Administrators will decide, if and in which way this exception will be granted.


Why is the user ... banned? "Quit (User has been banned from euIRCnet)"

Each user, who has been banned from the network, gets a notice containing a reason for the ban. This is done privately since it should be only his business.


Why is my "connection restricted"?

You are connectec to an euIRC-Server, which does not entirely accept connections from you Provider. The command
provides you with a list of all available servers of euIrc. Pick another one and try to connect there.


Why do I get the notice "You are not welcome on this server" or "You are not authorized to connect to this server" on connect?

Each server has different settings regarding accepted IP-Ranges. In case a single server is rejecting your connection you may have a look at the server-list and choose anotherone.


I fixed the open proxy problem and the proxycheck doesn't find a proxy anymore, but I'm still banned - why?

After finding an open proxy the scanner sets a local ban on its server. This bans is established for several hours and is independent from adaptation of your system.
You may wait until the ban expires (there are differences between the servers) or you may try a server where you have not been banned before. In case your adaptation of your system was successful the other server an his scanner will not found anything and your connection may be established.
A list of all currently available servers can be found at
( See also )



Why isn't my nick registered anymore?

There are 2 possibilities how a nick registration gets dropped:
1. Someone has identified for the nick and dropped it manually.
2. You have not been identfied for 30 days. After that period each registration will be dropped automatically.

You may, of course, re-register your nick.


I've forgotten my nick password. May I retrieve it somehow?

You may request an e-mail with your actual password. It will be send to the adress you provided with your nick registration (or you've changed later).
/ns sendpass <nick>

In case you have entered an invalid adress, you are not able to retrieve your password anymore.


I've been disconnected for some reason and now my nick is still online. What may I do?

If you have a registered nick, you may remove this "ghost" by the command
/nickserv ghost <nick> <password>.

In case the nick is not registered, it will be gone within a few minutes.



Someone has locked a certain channel, how may I join again?

There are 5 possibilities to block joining a channel:

1. The channel has been set to "Registered Users only" (channelmode +R)
2. A ban (channelmode +b)
3. The channel has been set to "invite only" (channelmode +i)
4. The channel has a userlimit, which has been exceeded (channelmode +l)
5. The channel has got key set (channelmode +k)

Each of this variants may be combined with some or all of the rest. Nevertheless you are told the reason, why you are currently not allowed to join. Following those information you may find a way to proceed.

ad 1: Use a registered and identified nick. In case you haven't got one yet, you may register now and try again.

ad 2: If you have sufficient privilueges on the channel (Founder, Admin, Op) you may remove the ban using
/chanserv unban <#channel>.
If not, you'll have to wait until the ban has been removed by channel-operators. The Euirc-Team will not deal with any channel-internal affaires.

ad 3 + 4: If you have sufficient privilueges on the channel (Founder, Admin, Op) you may tell chanserv to invite you into the channel.
/chanserv invite <#channel>

ad 5: Knowing the correct key, you may enter the rooum using:
/join #channel KEY
If the key is unknown or forgotten, it get's more complicated:
First of all you should try to remove the key from outside the channel via ChanServ. (By default, this command is founder-only)
/chanserv clear <#channel> modes
If channelmode +k has been removed, you may join at once, otherwise you may get the notice "-ChanServ- Channel <#channel> isn't currently in use."
In this case the founder has to aks an IrcOperator for assistance.


How may I retrieve a lost password for my channel?

It's not necessary to retrieve an old password since you may set a new one by yourself. You have to use the channel's founder nick and identify for it properly.

/chanserv set <#channel> password <newpassword>


There is an opless channel - how may I retrieve channel-op-status?

In case there are no ops, but normal users left in the channel, you should ask them to leave. If you rejoin an empty channel you get automatically an op-flag.
The euIRC-Team is neither removing any of those users, nor providing anyone with channel-op-rights!


My channel isn't registered anymore. Why and what may I do?

There are 3 possibilities for unregistration of channels:
1. The channel has been droped, because the Nick of the founder expired (isn't registered anymor).
2. The channel has not been used for 14 days. "Not been used" means, that no user with channel-op-rights or higher has joined for that time. It's insufficient just to be the person who has usally op-rights. You have to join with an identified op-nick, which means first /nickserv identify PASS and after that /join #channel.
3. The channel has been dropped regularly by any person controling the founder-nick or knowing the channel-password.

Since there is just one possibility left, you may only register this channel once again. To be able to register a channel you must be op in this channel.
In case there are no ops, but normal users left in the channel, you should ask them to leave. If you rejoin an empty channel you get automatically an op-flag.
The euIRC-Team is neither removing any of those users, nor providing anyone with channel-op-rights!


Why is my channel now registered by someone else?

First, it is possible, that your channel got dropped (look here) and someone else has registered that channel afterwards.
But anybody who gets to know the channel-password or access to the founder-nick (by finding out, "stealing" or direct from you) is able to perform any action he likes. This includes dropping or resetting the founder to any other nick. For that reason we recommend the use of secure passwords (random combinations of letters, numbers and special character). You should not save passwords anywhere or tell it others (the euIRC-Team will never ask for passwords. Take care to enter password only within the status-windows of your client to avoid sending the password to a person or an entire channel.


How can I get a Bot for my channel?

The euIRC does not provide Bots or a so called Botserv. The services bots offers can be done by Chanserv. Who still is in need of a bot for his channel has to download, configure and run it by himself. We do not provide support for any kind of Bot. Please check the server policies concerning bots.



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